Taking the N59 from Galway, continue to Moycullen village. Continue through Moycullen village in the direction of Rosscahill for a further 2km. The land is located on the right hand side just after the property with the Eircode H91 Y6VE.
DNG Martin O'Connor Lands Sales are delighted to present for sale by DNG Online Auction on the 14th of July at 3pm this fine plot of land extending to c. 0.45 Ha (1.11 acres). This plot of land is conveniently located a mere 2 km from Moycullen village and 14 km from Galway City Centre. Located on the N59 Galway - Clifden Road, this plot of land has excellent road frontage and is in close proximity to the New Moycullen Bypass access point.
The land of good quality with reclamation works could be reverted back in to good quality grazing land. The plot would be ideally suited for many uses, especially for those living in urban areas, looking for recreational ground, such as for use as a hobby garden to plant vegetables, grow trees and possibly a workshop.
For further details please contact the sole selling agents DNG Martin O'Connor Tel 091866708.
For Sale by DNG Online Auction 14th July 2022 at 3pm
Plot of land extending to c. 0.45 Ha (1.11 acres) (Folio GY55002)
Excellent Road Frontage
Right of Way access
Enclosed by stone walls
Mains Water passing
2 km from Moycullen village
14 km from Galway City Centre
Under 1 km to new bypass
Taking the N59 from Galway, continue to Moycullen village. Continue through Moycullen village in the direction of Rosscahill for a further 2km. The land is located on the right hand side just after the property with the Eircode H91 Y6VE. A DNG Martin O'Connor For Sale sign identifies the property.
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